"If the Jehovah's Witnesses imagine that they can escape scrutiny of their safeguarding failures, I am certain they will be proved wrong. The courts have certainly given them short shrift. But in exposing what has happened, we need to nail the central issue once and for all: child protection is more important than religious expression. Religious organisations need to obey the law of the land, just like everyone else. When it comes to child abuse, religious exceptionalism needs to stop."
Romans 13:1 Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
Do Jehovah's Witnesses "subject themselves to the authorities"? According to them, "authorities have been established by God." JWs question the authorities. Do they really care about what God says? Do they really care about the children?
Actions speak louder than words.